Fairy Tale

i start my morning with put both of my hand and pray

He is the stongest than anything in this entire milky way

and entire everything who live and die

He is the most beautyful than anything

more than most of the most beautiful thing in the most beautiful world

I pretend to spell a magic

and see the world

I feel thankful

I can still awake

realize that so many people

who don’t have a chance anymore

only for take a breath

I see beautiful butterfly fly away

I see many people fall and rise to the love

How perfect God with all of his love

I walk and see everyone smile

I walk again and i can see a sincerely laugh

I walk again i can see someone who shed a tears

I keep walking and see some of them feel drown so deep

I believe everyone has sincerely love in their own heart

Who hurted , who fallen , who broken , who loved

who hrting who falling who breaking who loving

who stabbed who stabbing who cried who crying